Career Planing

Myths about choosing a career:
Choosing a career is very simple: It is a multi - step process and involves a lot efforts, time and expertise.

A career counselor can tell you what occupation you should select:
A career counselor only provides you options and guidance. You are the only one who should take a final decision about career.

I should choose a career from a "Best Careers" list:
You shouldn't use this list to dictate your choice. You should choose your career based on your interests, aptitude, values, qualification and skills.

Making a lot of money will make me happy:
Salary is important however, it isn't the only factor you should consider while choosing a career.

Once I choose a career I'll be stuck in it forever:
If you are unsatisfied in your present career for any reason you must change it. However job changing should not be an addiction.

My skills will go waste if I change career:
Many skills are transferable skills. The skills acquired in one job can be applied in another job but with some modifications.

If my friend/sister/uncle/neighbor is happy in a career, I will be too:
Everyone is different and what works for one person will not necessarily fit for another.

There is very little I can do to learn about an occupation without actually working in it:
The first -hand experience is great however there are other ways to explore an occupation.

What is a Career Planning?
It is a multi-step process of choosing an occupation, getting a job, growing in job, possibly changing the career/s and eventually retiring. It requires a systematic planning at every step.

Why there is need for Career planning?
There is a fierce competition for getting a space in the world of jobs. Globalization of economy and advancement in science, technology and management practices has created many new career avenues. Availability of many career options results in confusion in the minds of students and parents. It is necessary to choose a right career option through career planning.

What is a proper age for career planning?
Age 15-16 years is the right age for starting a career planning. This is because immediately after 10th standard (middle school) you have to choose Science or commerce or arts.

What should be main considerations for career planning?
Capability, aptitude, interests, values, personality, acquired skills, financial status and feasibility of career are main considerations for career planning.

Which are the most important steps in career planning?
Following six steps are crucial in career planning. Goal setting Self assessment and evaluation Exploration of career options Making a decision Plan of action Catch hold of opportunities

1. Goal setting: It depends on academic qualifications, experience, priorities and expectations in life. One can set knowledge based goals (Ph.D in four years) or hierarchical goals (Head a HR department within 5 years) or monetary goals (earn 1 million rupees per annum) or combination of goals. Once your goal is identified then you have to find out the feasible ways to achieve it. Goal should have a time frame.

2.Self assessment and evaluation: Gaining knowledge about your-self (through value, interest, personality inventories and skill assessment) is crucial in a career planning. Your self assessment will help you to know which careers are suitable for you and which are inappropriate. It also helps in capita lizing your strengths and potentials.

3. Exploration of career options:Gathering in-depth information about job description, qualifications required (Certificates/diploma/degrees/special course/ licenses), skills essential, personal qualities necessary, job outlook, experience required, working conditions (working hours, physical effort s, stress level, etc), job location, opportunities of career advancement and salary range are essential for choosing right career.

4. Making a decision:Once you have done self -assessment and collected all the needed information of job options then you have to select one career option. This decision making can be difficult since there may still be many unknowns. The uncertainty and fear of making a wrong choice always exists.

5. Plan of action:Develop a job search strategy immediately after the final decision on job selection. This involves a availability of job, writing resume, gathering information about employer, training and acquiring skills. The membership in various professional organizations (related to your job) gives you an instant access to high-ranking professionals in the field of your interest.

6. Catch hold of opportunities: A successful professional is also an opportunist who takes right opportunity and turns it into a m ilestone of career advancement. "A selection of right career offers a lifelong economical and social stability as well helps to adopt high living standards".